BrainSoup: your personal AI platform

Build an AI Team that Works for You

BrainSoup: your personal AI platform
Personalized AI

Your tasks, your AI, your rules

With BrainSoup, transform your way of working. Here, you craft custom agents, each built to serve a specific need. From routine tasks, to complex assignments, BrainSoup's agents have the potential to revolutionize your workflow. But the recipe to efficiency doesn't stop at solo tasking. In BrainSoup, agents seamlessly work together, enabling multi-agent collaborations to conquer complex projects. And the best part? All this is managed through simple, natural language. Speak to BrainSoup's agents as you would do with any team member, giving instructions and driving automations through natural conversations. With BrainSoup, you have an adaptable team right on your desktop!

That truly adapts to your needs

BrainSoup is backed by the most advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Mistral AI, and even local LLMs, catering to diverse needs. This, paired with the Semantic Kernel technology which enhances the capabilities of the underlying LLM, endows the AI agents with an internal sense of time and self. They can remember you, key elements from past conversations, and make references that would otherwise be impossible. This results in a more cohesive and personalized relationship with your AI agents. With BrainSoup, you truly get a powerful, responsive, and personalized AI experience.

Because your unique insights make AI smarter

BrainSoup equips you with the power of defining AI's knowledge boundaries. Enhance AI knowledge using your documents providing valuable guidance to the AI agents, or let the flow of conversations between you and your agents organically expand their knowledge base. These interactions mold our AI agents to become incredibly adaptive, making them a powerful Data-Driven tool for your business. See the difference it makes with Doc-E, our built-in expert AI, guiding you every step of the way. With BrainSoup, you decide what data fuels the AI.

Data privacy

Because your data protection is our priority

With BrainSoup, data security isn't a feature, it's the foundation. By opting for a local database and supporting local LLMs through tools like Ollama, we keep your data where it belongs, within your device. Any requests made to third-party AI services are anonymized and de-linked from your identity, and are not used to train AI models, bolstering privacy while still leveraging advanced AI. Plus, by refraining from cloud storage, we eliminate a potential point of data vulnerability. With BrainSoup, you hold complete command of your data, and we make sure it stays that way.


Seamless AI integration made easy

Embrace the ease of Low-Code with BrainSoup. By interfacing with your software environment using simple text files and scripts in any language, BrainSoup allows the AI agents to percept real-time dynamic data, react to user-defined events and use tools, making them highly flexible and adaptive. With no complex APIs, no SDKs, and no proprietary languages, BrainSoup empowers users, irrespective of their coding skills. And just in case you encounter any challenges, Doc-E, our built-in AI expert, is always here to help guide you through the process. With BrainSoup, AI becomes a plug-and-play element of your business.

By equipping your agents with tools

BrainSoup's agents do more than just converse; they act. Thanks to a comprehensive set of built-in tools, they can calculate, browse the web, send emails, make API calls, generate and edit images and videos, run scripts, and more. Their abilities extend even further with ChatGPT plugins, greatly diversifying the tasks they can accomplish. Need something unique? Create custom tools that allow your agents to interact with programs, commands or scripts on your computer. Turn chat into action, with BrainSoup.

Explore BrainSoup's built-in tools...
Multimodal AI

Beyond Text: See, Hear, and Interact

BrainSoup agents are not just limited to text-based interactions. With multimodal support, they can understand and process images and audio files, making your interactions richer and more dynamic. Thanks to BrainSoup's unique architecture, even the simplest language models become multimodal by seamlessly collaborating with other models. This integration allows you to benefit from the best of what technology has to offer without compromising on quality or breaking the bank.

Team work

Divide and conquer with specialized AI teams

BrainSoup's foundations are based on a simple yet powerful concept: specialized AI agents, when working together, can outperform a single generalist AI. Craft your specialized AI team and let them coordinate in goal-oriented chat rooms for efficient task handling. Each agent has specific skills and data access, giving you tight control over their roles, and mitigating AI-associated risks. Additionally, BrainSoup ensures a secure collaboration through its Sandboxed File System, allowing agents and users to safely interact with files. With BrainSoup, you don't just get a proficient AI team, but a secure, controlled collaborative workspace.

User friendly

Intuitive messaging-style interface

BrainSoup offers a practical, intuitive user interface that works similar to common messaging platforms. As a native Windows application, it operates independently from your browser, ensuring quick responses and a smooth user experience. The powerful search function makes information retrieval a breeze, adding to the productivity. BrainSoup combines advanced AI with simplicity and ease-of-use.

From first steps to advanced setup, you are never alone

Meet Doc-E, your first encounter with an agent created entirely with BrainSoup. He's here to assist you every step of the way. From understanding BrainSoup's features to helping set up automations and write extension scripts, Doc-E is your built-in BrainSoup expert always ready to assist. But Doc-E is more than just a helper; he's an example of what you could create with BrainSoup. Just as Doc-E expands his knowledge in the technicalities of BrainSoup, you too can create an expert agent to revolutionize your unique business needs or assist your customers.


BrainSoup is brand new, and lots of new features are coming soon!

  • Command-line interface: For even more scripting possibilities.
  • More LLMs: Online and offline models, specialized or universal, for more versatile agents and lower costs.
  • More event sources: webhooks, MQTT, RSS, Zapier, etc...
  • More context sources: Web-based, MQTT, home automation, etc...
  • More platforms: MacOS, Android, iOS.
  • Headless version that you can host on your server and access via a Web UI.
  • Optional cloud sync with client-side encryption: Enjoy BrainSoup on all your devices while keeping your data safe.

Excited yet?

BrainSoup is available for a low, no-commitment subscription starting at $5 per month. Try it now!

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