
This new release (TidyTabs 1.22.0) is a major update which introduces the following changes:

  • TidyTabs is now compiled with the latest Microsoft compiler and will gradually be rewritten to benefit from the new features of C++20.
  • Added logging functionality to help troubleshoot issues.
  • Fixed several minors issues.


This new release (TidyTabs 1.21.0) is a major update which introduces the following changes:

  • Added a new feature to automatically hide tabs at the edge of the screen.
  • Fixed: Auto-grouping conflicts with apps that have their own tabs. Grouping should not occur when such a tab is detached.
  • Fixed: Tabs display mode not updated when the right-click menu is closed.
  • Fixed: Changes in the blacklist and whitelist are no longer applied in real time since 1.20.0.
  • Reduced the number of Windows API call to significantly improve performance.
  • Updated: Translations.


This new release (TidyTabs 1.20.1) is a minor update which introduces the following change:

  • Updated: Translations.
  • Fixed: Some UWP applications are not detected anymore since 1.20.0.
  • Improved: Tabs placement on rounded Windows 11 windows.
  • Significant performance improvement.


This new release (TidyTabs 1.20.0) is a major update which introduces the following change:

  • Added a new feature to prevent tabs from being hidden by adjacent windows (very useful if you use TidyTabs in combination with AquaSnap).


This new release (TidyTabs 1.19.1) is a major update which introduces the following change:

  • It is now possible to test TidyTabs Professional Edition free of charge for 15 days. At the end of this long trial period, it is still possible to restart short trial periods of one hour.


This new release (AquaSnap 1.23.15) is a minor update which introduces the following change:

  • Fixed: Unneeded shortcut created in the Start Menu.


This new release (TidyTabs 1.18.5) is a minor update which introduces the following change:

  • Fixed: Unneeded shortcut created in the Start Menu.


This new release (AquaSnap 1.23.14) is a minor update which introduces the following change:

  • Better support of Windows toast notification.


This new release (TidyTabs 1.18.4) is a minor update which introduces the following change:

  • Better support of Windows toast notification.


This new release (TidyTabs 1.18.3) is a minor update which introduces the following change:

  • Fixed: Typos in translations.


This new release (AquaSnap 1.23.13) is a minor update which introduces the following changes:

  • Fixed: Typos in translations.
  • Minor bug fixes.


This new release (TidyTabs 1.18.2) is a minor update which introduces the following change:

  • Fixed: Incorrect window size when minimizing a group and restoring another window of this group.
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